発売日に買ったのにあまりプレイ出来ていなかったThe Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing2をやっとプレイ中。
XBOX ONEでは3が出てますが、日本語には対応してないのでPS4で発売する時にはローカライズしてほしいですね。




プラチナ The Legendary Monster Hunter Unlock all trophies.
ブロンズ Tough Cookie Survive extreme damage from a single attack.
ブロンズ Sarge, he keeps coming back! Spend heaps of Gold on resurrections.
ブロンズ You can be smart… Reach 300 base Willpower points.
ブロンズ You can be accurate… Reach 300 base Dexterity points.
ブロンズ You can be strong… Reach 300 base Body points.
ブロンズ …but it’s easier to be just lucky! Reach 300 base Luck points.
ブロンズ Rage Against the Machines Spend 10,000 Rage points across any number of playthroughs.
ブロンズ Practice Makes Perfect Level up one of your Resistance Captains.
シルバー Viva la Resistance Execute 15 missions while managing the Resistance.
ブロンズ Easy Come,Easy Go Spend 10 million Gold.
シルバー In your face,Jones! Collect 10 Relics for the Resistance.
ブロンズ A Hunter With Style Equip a full collection of Set items.
ブロンズ Who’s a good boy? Successfully complete 5 Chimera Hunt missions.
シルバー The Beast Reach level 5 with your Chimera.
ブロンズ Chimera of War Let your Chimera kill 50 enemies.
ブロンズ Success With Clean Hands Complete a Tower Defense mission without killing a single monster directly (kill with traps only )
ブロンズ You Can’t Touch This Complete a Tower Defense mission without letting a single enemy in.
ブロンズ It’s a trap! Complete your first Tower Defense mission.
シルバー Master Strategist Successfully complete all Tower Defense missions.
ブロンズ End of the Beginning Cover the retreat from Viaduct Junction.
ブロンズ Unshackled Genius Rescue Telsa from the Sewers.
ブロンズ Forbidden Path Reach the Giantwoods.
ブロンズ Shock and Awe Let loose the Power of Perun.
ブロンズ A Friend From Beyond Get your own Chimera.
ブロンズ Out of the Frying Pan Take back the Foundry from Harper’s forces.
ブロンズ Awe and Awe Find Harper’s secret weapon.
ブロンズ Spanner in the Works Destroy the Animated Extraction Rig.
シルバー Double Exile Defeat Harker.
シルバー The Roots of Evil Defeat the Dryad Queen.
ブロンズ Tough as a Coffin Neil Complete a Scenario without dying.
ブロンズ Ragtag Hero Complete a Scenario without equipped Cape,Armor,Gloves and Boots.
ブロンズ Simple Ways Complete a Scenario without using any Powerups.
シルバー Real Life is Overrated Complete 3 single player Scenario runs in the game.
ブロンズ Hunter of Hunters Kill 100 Champion,Elite or Boss in Scenarios.
ブロンズ Glory of a Legend Earn 250,000 Reputation.
ゴールド I’m so Hardcore! Finish the game with a Hardcore character.
シルバー Don’t Fear the (Grim)Reaper Finish the game on Hard without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
シルバー Stuff of Legends Finish the game on Heroic without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
ゴールド Monster Hunter Extraordinaire Finish the game on Fearless without changing the difficulty throughout the Story.
ブロンズ Master of Puzzles Answer correctly to the questions of the Giant Stoneheads.
ブロンズ We Came in Peace Don’t get into a fight with outlaws on the Thunderhead Mountains.
ブロンズ King of Nothing Kill the kobold King.
ブロンズ Well, that escalated quickly! Attack the innocent squirrels, if you dare.
ブロンズ Ghoulish Taste Eat Woody’s Snack.
ブロンズ Unnatural Ally Successfully complete “The Vampire Lord” Resistance mission to recruit Baron Upyr for your cause.
ブロンズ Grey Treasures Loot the Grey Wizard.
ブロンズ I Regret Nothing Take all items from all of the Sacred Altars.
ブロンズ It was a blast! Save the Bomb Expert’s life.
ブロンズ Three wishes Thaw the Frozen Goldfish.
ブロンズ Lunar Collection Find all three Moonstones.
ブロンズ Profiler You have an uncanny sense of recognizing dangerous criminals and you know who should stay behind bars.